Interesting! The late psychologist Seth Roberts was a staunch advocate of self-experimentation. He also had acne and did experiments on himself. He found that his acne didn't respond to treatment with an oral antibiotic (tetracycline), but it improved with benzoyl peroxide cream. He also found that multi-B vitamin supplements helped, whereas pizza and Diet Pepsi made it worse. https://freakonomics.com/2005/09/seth-roberts-on-acne-guest-blog-pt-iv/

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He definitely had the right idea! Benzoyl Peroxide is now a top-line treatment with and without prescription. I've heard interesting things about the B-vitamins and acne before but haven't checked out the mechanistic literature yet. On the use of oral antibiotics, very few approved acne treatments these days are taken by the oral route. I'm wondering if this is due to a mechanistic barrier between the skin and gut flora (this could also explain the low incidence of side effects with topical antibiotics).

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paid link :(

gimme the TL;DR and ill check it out

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I believe in Neosporin so much! I put it on everything...... <3.

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